
January 22, 2015

Police union to state lawmakers: Don't mess with no knock warrants

Carrie Mills is a retired Atlanta Police officer with 30 years on the job - primarily in APD's drug unit.
Mills is now a union rep for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers. She considers herself an expert on search warrants, particularly no knock warrants, which allows officers to enter a structure without knocking first.
Mills says no-knock warrants helped close a lot of cases while she was an officer.
"If we knock and announced, all evidence is going to be destroyed," Mills said.
State Sen. Vincent Fort, (D-39), has announced plans to introduce a bill that would make it harder to get no-knock warrants.
Fort says he was moved to introduce his bill after 19-month-old Bounkham "Bou Bou" Phonesavanh was seriously injured when a flash grenade exploded near his face during a botched drug raid involving a no-knock warrant in Habersham County.
"We are saying there should be restrictions on them and we think the situation in the recent past where they have been abused warrants that," Fort said.
But Mills doesn't agree.
"I don't think any changes are needed because it is not easy now," Mills said.
Mills says law makers should be careful what they ask for.
"You have to draw the line between your right as a citizen to privacy and a community's right to live in a crime-free environment. You can't have them both," Mills said.


  1. The cops are correct on this one. Anytime they feel that they are protecting us from some imaginary boogie-man, they can come in without a warrant ,beat us, kill more Americans than the Iraqi war, seize our innocent assets, listen to our phone calls. To trample on our god given rights, trash the constitution they swore to uphold and now betrayed. They should have tanks, steroids and automatic weapons. This way they can better serve and protect while killing with impunity. How dare you think otherwise. we cant have both.

  2. Liberty with a million risks is preferable to safety without freedom. Police are not their for anyone's safety, they are there to make slaves do what the rulers tell them to do.

  3. I say to the "police union" Freedom isnt free

  4. "no-knock" THEIR homes and property and see the mountain of contraband you have.

  5. How would these no-knock cops like to have their doors kicked in at 3am?
    How would they like to have their dogs shot & killed?
    How would they like to be shot & killed simply for responding to their door crashing in with a gun?
    The only way this madness will end is when they suffer from the same abuses.
