
January 18, 2015

Fox Formally Apologizes for Claiming Muslims Have Taken Over European Cities

This evening, Fox News formally apologized for a false claim about Muslims that was so egregious, even the Prime Minister of Great Britain and all of French television had to step in and call them out for it.
“Over the course of this last week we have made some regrettable errors on air regarding the Muslim population in Europe – particularly with regard to England and France,” anchor Julie Banderas said during tonight’s newscast. “This applies especially to discussions of so-called ‘No Go Zones’ areas where non-Muslims allegedly aren’t allowed in and police supposedly won’t go.”
To recap: once upon a time last week, Fox’s terrorism commentator Steve Emerson claimed that there were certain neighborhoods and towns completely overrun with a Muslim population so fierce that even police wouldn’t enter them: according to him, there are “actually Muslim religious police that actually beat and actually wound seriously anyone who doesn’t dress according to religious Muslim attire.”
Needless to say, according to David Cameron and a bunch of mad French television stations, that’s not the case. Emerson has apologized, and Banderas profusely continued to apologize tonight:
To be clear, there is no formal designation of these zones in either country… and no credible information to support the assertion that there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion. There are certainly areas of high crime in Europe as there are in the United States and other countries – where police and visitors enter with caution. We deeply regret the errors and apologize to any and all who may have taken offense including the people of France and England.
Watch below via Fox:
And later, Jeanine Pirro made another apology, saying that she should have challenged Emerson’s views and pointing out that Emerson was factually incorrect.


  1. Bunch of wussies!! Fox is the same as all the rest!

  2. Why does no one question the "program" of FOX AFFILIATES owned by sewer dweller Rupert Murdoch? On their "news" channel they promote "conservative" values and all that. But turn to FOX ENTERTAINMENT and they are pushing GLEE, FAMILY GUY, and numerous other shows propagandizing FOR homosexuality, pedophilia, drug abuse, and all the things FOX NEWS claims to be against. Yet their viewers sit like unquestioning slugs and parrot the PARTY LINE.
    NOW they have "" A COMPLETE SELL-OUT of the FOX NEWS followers, this channel SUPPORTS ILLEGALS.
    I have said it before, FOX promotes a PSEUDO-conservative-to-the-point-of-clowning view on their news, and FAR LEFT LIBERAL view on their entertainment channels. I watched "BONES" last night (10-9-2014), it was an hour of ANTI-Conservative propaganda/indoctrination. They cast the right-wing airwaves as calous-hate-mongering-mercenaries who not only spread hate and meanness, but do it strictly for the money they can make and do not even "believe" the "foul filth" they spew.
    "BONES" was one long preachy pontification about how evil AND STUPID all conservatives are.even as the "good SCIENTISTS" reveled in minutely examining the putrid remains of the EVIL conservative. "BONES" also groveled over the "BEAUTY" of the main, at best COMMON looking, character, as if she is some beauty queen, actually they went into regular self-love-rapture over ALL their own marvelous BEAUTY, repeatedly praising one-another's "marvelous good looks".
