
December 18, 2014

How The CIA Might Have To Handle Terrorists Now That Enhanced Interrogation Is Out

The man who waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the so-called mastermind of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, told Megyn Kelly on Tuesday that the CIA’s program of using enhanced interrogation techniques did not amount to torture, despite recent accusations in a Senate-issued report.
 “If it was torture, I would be in jail,” James Mitchell said on “The Kelly File.” “This thing was investigated over and over. I was told by the highest law enforcement agency in the land that we were going to walk right up to the edge of the law, and that all of the things we had included in that list were legal.”

Mitchell, a former Air Force psychologist, said in the days following the Sept. 11 attacks, the country was gripped with fear that new attacks were forthcoming and both the public and the U.S. government were desperate to prevent them.

“(The CIA) had ongoing information to suggest that (terrorists) were trying to smuggle nuclear weapons into the U.S.,” Mitchell said. “There was all this anthrax stuff going on, there was credible evidence to suggest that there was another wave of attacks coming and we couldn’t have it happen.”
Mitchell added: “They tried to decapitate us last time, they tried to destroy our civilization. And people were clamoring to do everything and anything they could that was legal, to take it right up to the line and save American lives. Because that’s what our government is supposed to do: save American lives.”
Mitchell, who said he found waterboarding “repulsive at times” but said he did it out of a duty to protect the U.S., criticized the Senate report, saying it’s “easy” in hindsight to second-guess the tactics used after 9/11, more than 13 years after the attacks.


  1. Enhanced interrogation(torture) is out!!?
    Hahahahaha! That's a hot one! (no pun intended)

  2. ....charge he and his partner with treason, accessory to murder and crimes against humanity...convict them...confiscate their illicit wealth...and then hang them...
    RJ O'Guillory
    Webster Groves - The Life of an Insane Family

  3. If Mr. Mitchell is so sure what he did to these people is not torture, then I would be happy to trade bringing a capital case for war crimes against him, for having him undergo a couple years' worth of treatment of his stress positions, sleep deprivation, beatings, standing on broken feet, anal penetration, and being waterboarded 183 times. Make that 184 times. Because it's not torture, after all.

  4. Richard Raymond Moore JrDecember 18, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    Betcha he's call it torture if we wanted him to and water boarded him just once.

  5. contrary to logic that enhanced interrogation techniques are out. For the last 12000 years since man has been on this planet, survival of the fittest, power over others, slavery, and the means to insure these conditions predominated. Only now is dominant forces' grip slipping.
