
December 11, 2014

CIA torture: Fox News says 'the US is awesome' – and torture report is just 'one last shot at Bush'

Fox News has condemned the release of a damning report into the CIA's use of torture as a political manoeuvre designed to show Americans "how we’re not awesome".

The broadcaster's National Security Analyst K.T. McFarland argued that the techniques were both "legal and justified" by the 9/11 terror attacks.

And she denounced the publication of the Senate Intelligence Committee report as a move made by Democrats to "do harm" to the country by angering terrorists.

"Why go after it now unless the motivation is completely political?" she said.
"Congress is changing hands, the Senate is going from Democrat to Republican hands. And are the Democrats in the Senate just — they’ve been evicted from the house, are they just trashing the place before they leave?"

Ms McFarland made the comments on the news channel's Out Numbered programme, moments after Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein announced on the floor of the Senate that the long-delayed torture report had been made public.

She was backed up by Out Numbered host Andrea Tantaros, who said the country didn't need the CIA to be transparent because it is "awesome".
"The United States of America is awesome, we are awesome," she said. "The reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we’re not awesome."

Fox News correspondent Jesse Watters also told the hosts of Out Numbered that the American people did not need to know about torture at the CIA because “people do nasty things in the dark especially after a terrorist attack.”
“Senate Democrats, they’re just trying to get one last shot in at Bush before they go into the minority,” he said.
According to the Pew Research Center, in July 2004 a majority (53 per cent) of Americans said the use of torture to gain important information from suspected terrorists was "rarely or never justified".


  1. ...they...the idiot Fox Hosts can be convicted for treason just like their friends in the Bush / Clinton / Bush /Clinton / Obama War Crimes & Treason Family....just for covering up and conspiring to withhold that information from the American Public...convict these idiots and hang them as well...
    RJ O'Guillory
    Webster Groves - The Life of an Insane Family

  2. The word is awful, Andrea Tarantula, :"The United States of America is awful, we are awful."

  3. I loooove it.

    I dont have to, nor even hint at the UssAs gov. insanity and plain evil anymore, I dont have to do it, the UssA MSM does it and the various scums/warcriminals/mongrels/a.s.o., pimping "war on terror" just sawed of the very branch they sitt on.
    And this Blame game is so lame, that I can help it but to laugh.
    The credibility, and acountability, or what ever was left of it, is now completely gone, and every one, all over the globe, sees it and hears it.
    YOU are Our problem, yankees.



  4. Shameless & stupid, kinda makes me wonder what they REALLY think behind those walls of idiotic propaganda they try to project, it's hard to feel much mercy for anyone who goes along with it, the way that it's hard to feel any lasting sympathy for nasty tempered, ignorant, roosters come slaughtering time....
    ( if the world has come to 'hate America', they need only to check the mirror...)

  5. I'd say water-board that bimbo but she probably wouldn't mind because water going into her nose would flow right through, nothing in her head to stop t..

  6. Saw a picture of these FoxJews bimbos yesterday. One male hack and the rest females sporting long legs . Anyone expert in photoshop--get the pants off the dude and show his hairless legs sporting military boots. Sex sells-- Fox shows little regard to spice up the show for gays.
    Fact is-- USrael controlled-- ordinary Americans are treated as dumber than dumb cattle

  7. Why does no one question the "program" of FOX AFFILIATES? On their "news" channel they promote "conservative" values and all that. But turn the channel to FOX ENTERTAINMENT and they are pushing GLEE, FAMILY GUY, and numerous other shows propagandizing FOR homosexuality, pedophilia, drug abuse, and all the things FOX NEWS claims to be against. Yet their viewers sit like unquestioning slugs and parrot the PARTY LINE.
    NOW they have "" A COMPLETE SELL-OUT of the FOX NEWS followers, this channel SUPPORTS ILLEGALS.
    I have said it before, FOX promotes a PSEUDO-conservative-to-the-point-of-clowning view on their news, and FAR LEFT LIBERAL view on their entertainment channels. I watched "BONES" last night (10-9-2014), it was an hour of ANTI-Conservative propaganda/indoctrination. They cast the right-wing airwaves as callous-hate-mongering-mercenaries who not only spread hate and meanness, but do it strictly for the money they can make and do not even "believe" the "foul filth" they spew.
    "BONES" was one long preachy pontification about how evil AND STUPID all conservatives are.even as the "good SCIENTISTS" reveled in minutely examining the putrid remains of the EVIL conservative. "BONES" also groveled over the "BEAUTY" of the main, at best COMMON looking, character, as if she is some beauty queen, actually they went into regular self-love-rapture over ALL their own marvelous BEAUTY, repeatedly praising one-another's "marvelous good looks".

  8. Is this racist: FOX "news" is for the cops in the Eric Garner & Mike Brown & Trayvon Martin cases (blacks), but FOR the cops in the Cliven Bundy case (Bundy is white)? Then they're for torturing dark skinned Muslims. FOX "news" has a LOOOOONG track record of hating dark-skinned people.


  10. Well looky here ... ole foul-mouthed O'Guillory (still hiding your real name, eh O'Gle?). You're the idiot ... why don't you look up words that you ignorantly throw around BEFORE you throw them around?

    And don't respond with your typically filthy remarks pal ... I'm not interested! FOLLA?

  11. It's not about taking a "last shot at Bush" -- clearly, this is a non-partisan issue because the Obama administration has continued the Bush torture policies and helped create laws making it much harder to prosecute those responsible.

    The clear conclusion anyone should draw from the torture report is that Bush and Obama both need to go to prison - along with senior members of both administrations and their foot soldiers actually carrying out the illegal orders.
