
December 13, 2014

Artist Perfectly Illustrates How The Democratic Party Is Torturing America!

You know what torture is to me? Can I tell you what torture is to me? Torture to me is not all this waterboarding stuff. You know what torture is? Torture is trying to go to sleep every night with pictures in your head that your wife, your husband, your son, your daughter jumped from a top floor at the World Trade Center to his or her death rather than burn alive. That’s torture.

Torture to me is being a family member of somebody who died in 9/11, either in the Twin Towers, the field in Pennsylvania, or the Pentagon. It’s trying to go to bed every night thinking about what they experienced at that moment when the planes hit the towers. Torture, to me, is what you go through each and every day trying to go to sleep as you think about the last moments of the lives of your loved ones or family members on 9/11.

Torture is being a family member of an American beheaded on television by Al-Qaeda or ISIS or you name it — Islamic jihadists — and wondering what was going through their mind at that moment. Torture is then having that be the first thing on my mind when I wake up every day. That’s torture. And it’s every day. And it is every night. Torture is being the family member of a first responder on 9/11 as they gallantly, valiantly, courageously walked and ran into those Twin Towers looking for survivors, hoping to drag people out — and they never came out.
Torture every day is wondering what they went through.
I’ll tell you, there’s something else that’s torture to me, and that is knowing all of that, trying to go to sleep every night with those thoughts in my head — and then having to get up and listen to the news in this country: A CIA report, intelligence report from the Senate intel committee which blames Americans for this. I try to go to sleep every night and I can’t get the picture out of my head of my family member jumping out of those buildings or burning alive.

I get up and I get to listen to how we’re mistreating — by depriving them of sleep — the people who did it. Torture, to me, is the utter frustration involved in watching various elements of our government bend over backwards to be nice, to have empathy, to be respectful to the people who did this to people I loved or members of my family. That’s torture to me. What’s torture to me is to get up every day after having not been able to forget any of that and to listen to one American after another essentially find ways to blame the United States for what happened.



  1. You do NOT become to devil to beat the devil. Torture is torture. No excuses, no reinterpretation. When one accepts that the U.S. is now guilty of behaving the same way the Nazis did, and defending it the same way, or that we have become more bigoted than apartheid South Africa (facts) then you will be free to make the change. To do nothing or to allow is to give up on your humanity. WWJD?

  2. Uh yeah. Coal: the power source of the Victorian Era. Until we can run our cars on liquifieid coal gas (the Fischer-Tropp and Regius processes) forget about it.

  3. To me torture is reading this article. the US is going down fast. It should. It is the most evil empire to ever exist. Psst. Guess what. The U.S. did 911. Don't tell anyone...

  4. These sadistic torture rituals were designed and used in order to produce false confessions.....period. Whatever small bit of moral authority the U.S. had left has evaporated into the ether. Awful hard to say the Pledge, when the flag has been so soiled.

  5. We as a country have become what our fathers so valiantly fought against during WW2, what our founding father fought against also, repressive, brutal, dictatorships, we've lost our way, our once moral standing in the world is no more!!

  6. "I get up and I get to listen to how we’re mistreating — by depriving them of sleep — the people who did it."

    You're equating 'people the CIA tortures' with 'people who did 9-11' without any proof that they're the same set. Because, why would the CIA torture innocent people? Because it's evil.

    The people
    who did do it were at CIA and Mossad headquarters in the executive offices, getting pats on the

    And 'depriving them of sleep' is hardly a description of waterboarding and/or shoving food up a human being's rectum. BTW, I guess that means all the evangelical christians who approve of CIA torture tactics have just declared themselves in favor of fudge packing.

  7. Torture? At least beheadings, 911 folks jumping to death are quick easy less painfull deaths- Having being water boarded 180 times and poles and hoses rammed by arse holes or being beaten constantly untill death is real torture.

    If the author is reading this--what is real torture 2me is not knowing when Israel Firsters will strict again--like they did Sept 11 2001 bombing attacks. I wish the author would stop the B.S on spewing the notion that deaths occurred at the field in Pennsylvania,Read some info before you con the obtuse folks. please and thank you.

  8. Israel has done torture over 70 years- If Israel can do it and no UN nation cared- Why not Mother USA ?. But when Saddam/Kaduffy did it--curtains for them

  9. geo1671, you know what, I actually agree with you, albeit, there was a time over 70 years ago, when the ideals, the constitution, the bill of rights, meant something the world over, the reason so many came to this country, and still do, that idea of "liberty" for which this country once stood for, is for all intents and purposes at an end! And yes we have been extremely lucky no WW3! Yet!

  10. ....what a propagandist POS this piece about being "tortured" by the fact that your government is a corrupt gang of traitors, thieves, murders and war criminals...and dragging out some stinking POS story regarding some family member who jumped out of the Twin Towers is not the core is your corrupt government that allowed / sponsored such a thing...(to the author of this piece...GFY...)
    RJ O'Guillory
    Webster Groves - The Life of an Insane Family

  11. 3,000 years of precedents and people still ask "Who done it?"

  12. Until you can pierce the darkness of the propaganda all around you, you don't realize you're being slowly bled to death by the lies that send you thrashing about into the night. Pay attention! Israel with its proxies in the US government and commerce did 9/11, just like Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, just like Israel refused to warn the US of the truck bomb being readied for the barracks at the Beirut airport. We are being tortured by agents and supporters of Israel who have made possible the para
    sitizing of the wealth of Americans through the banks and their control of the media.

    As for the beheadings and atrocities by ISIS, please note that ISIS promised to not attack Israel and that the leader, al-Baghdadi has been outed by Snowden as a Jewish actor. Israel was created by terrorists and terrorism is their specialty.

  13. Torture to me is knowing that the events of 911 have been covered up and that there was never ever a world class forensic investigation into the events of that day !
    It is torture knowing Dick Cheney lied to the 911 Commission .
    It is torture knowing the Head of the 911 commission said it was set up to fail !
    It is torture knowing the laws of physic and know that steel reinforced Skyscrapers don't turn to dust as they implode from a single impact and office fires !
    Then it endless torture knowing WTC7 wasn't hit by a plane and collapsed at free fall acceleration allegedly from fire alone !

  14. Very good facts. Isn't it time everyone knew?

  15. Yes, those are good facts.

  16. It's because they're the one group no one can criticize. They made sure of that during the 1940s.

  17. Those Arab leaders were wanting to use gold for currency, or their own "dollars" instead of the petrodollar. Everything said about them by the western press is a pack of lies. This same tactic (blame him for everything) is being used now against Putin, because he's no longer using the petrodollar. I agree with you about where this evil scheme comes from, except it's been longer than 70 years.

  18. Torture is knowing that Israel has the stuxnet virus and has already used it: against Iran, at Fukushima, and probably tried it out in Vancouver on the SkyTrain and they have had access to industrial facilities all over the world that can self-destruct at any time the psychopathic leaders of Israel go off their meds.

    Torture is knowing what Israel is doing to the world and that mashugenah gentiles don't have a clue, making excuses so they don't have to take responsibility what is really going on.

  19. The US neocons and Israel did 9-11 and then led the con to get us into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, then Libya, Syria, and next in Ukraine.

  20. More Muslim boogeyman baloney.
    Torture is seeing how thoroughly the US congress & TV news is ruled by Tel Aviv & knowing that there's nothing we can do about it.

  21. "listen to one American after another essentially find ways to blame the United States for what happened."
    Well who do you want to blame?
    Apart from one Kenyan, it is all your own fault.

  22. The U.S. was attacked by muslim maniacs on 9/11! Cannot believe the people who are buying into the BS and blaming the American government. Stop turning against your own country and stand up for it. Stop mindlessly following traitors who are feeding you all this nonsense. This half baked report by Di Fi had no witnessness questioned, involved no republicans, and is an attack on the CIA who busts their butt every single day to protect Americans. The people should be kissing their feet and thanking them for the effort they put into take care of us and how they risk their own lives and families to do so. And anyone who attacks them ought to be ashamed.
