
June 05, 2013

U.S. Appeals Judge Accused Of Racial Bias Over Speech

A group of civil rights organizations and legal ethicists filed a complaint of misconduct against a senior federal judge on Tuesday, alleging that recent remarks of hers showed bias against minority groups and an inappropriate religious belief in the death penalty. 
The complaint, against Judge Edith H. Jones of Houston, who sits on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, asserts that at a speech at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in February she said that blacks and Hispanics were more prone than others to commit violent crimes and that a death sentence was a service to defendants because it allowed them to make peace with God.
The complaint is signed by representatives of, among others, the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Texas Civil Rights Project and the Mexican Capital Legal Assistance Program and cites a number of people who attended the lecture.

A spokesman for the law school, Steven Barnes, said that the Federalist Society, the conservative group that hosted the speech, did not record it and that there appeared to be no transcript.
A request for comment left with Judge Jones’s chambers in Houston was not immediately answered.
According to the complaint, Judge Jones, 64, who was nominated to the bench by President Ronald Reagan, and who until recently was the chief judge of the Fifth Circuit and mentioned during Republican administrations as a possible Supreme Court nominee, said that “African-Americans and Hispanics are "predisposed to crime" and that defendants facing capital punishment who claim "mental retardation" disgust her.”
The complaint says such statements violated the judicial code’s requirement that a judge be impartial and avoid damaging public confidence in the judiciary.
One of the affidavits accompanying the complaint is from Marc Bookman, a veteran death penalty lawyer in Pennsylvania, who attended the lecture. He quoted Judge Jones as saying, “Sadly, some groups seem to commit more heinous crimes than others.” When asked to elaborate, Judge Jones “noted there was no arguing that ‘blacks’ and ‘Hispanics’ far outnumber ‘Anglos’ on death row and repeated that ‘sadly’ people from these racial groups do get involved in more violent crime,” the affidavit said.
Mr. Bookman said in a telephone interview that when the judge was questioned by angry students, “She defensively backed off what she had said or, at least, what the audience had interpreted it to mean.”
Another affidavit is from James M. McCormack, former chief disciplinary counsel for the Texas bar, who said that based on the complaint, “it is my opinion that Judge Jones violated the ethical standards applicable to federal judges under the Code of Conduct for United States judges.”
Judge Jones is alleged to have said that the defenses often offered in capital cases, including mental retardation and systemic racism, were “red herrings.” She also said, according to the witnesses, that Mexicans would prefer to be on death row in the United States rather than in prison in Mexico.
Charles W. Wolfram, one of the country’s experts in legal ethics who is retired from Cornell Law School, said Judge Jones’s alleged statements were a cause of great concern.
“If I were a parent of a black with borderline IQ accused in a capital case, would I be distressed in knowing that Judge Jones was sitting on my case?” he asked in a telephone interview. “Yes, I would. She seems to have made up her mind on these issues. She is slanted. That is the whole point of the impartiality requirement.”
Stephen Gillers, a legal ethics scholar at New York University, said that if Judge Jones really did say that death penalties serve the condemned by forcing them to face God, that was troubling.
“If a judge were to say that during sentencing, that sentence would be vacated,” he said. “It suggests that she believes she is helping the accused by giving a death sentence. That is totally inappropriate.” He said the central question concerning her alleged statements about race and crime depended heavily on tone and context.
The fate of the complaint now lies with the circuit’s chief judge, Carl E. Stewart of Louisiana, the first black in the job. He could dismiss it, speak privately with Judge Jones or order an investigation and set up a committee of judges either in his circuit or another one. Most complaints against judges, many of which come from inmates, are dismissed.


  1. A wise saying goes like this " I've seen fools riding on horses like princes and princes walking on the ground," Seems to apply to this case.

  2. Being white-Anglo she will probably get off.


  3. >>"Being white-Anglo she will probably get off"

    Sarcasm at its best

  4. Looking at that inbred face, coupled with the comment, I knew she was gonna be from the South.

  5. They say that psychopaths and those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder gravitate toward positions of power.

    This disgusting racist is a perfect example.

    Her talk about "God" is a show that is very typical of the psychos who hold positions of power. True Christians oppose the death penalty because of God's Commandment "Thou shall not kill".

    I would not want to be in her evil shoes when she faces her own judgement day - the sooner the better.

    1. Lol you are a joke! U should tell that to your fellow tribesmen who are the disproportionate majority in position of influence and power.

  6. Discrimination, be it on racial or any other grounds is disgusting, however, does not the prison population confirm that this judge's comments are factual if somewhat unhelpful!!

    According to The Centre Of American Progress the following is true:

    "While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States’ population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. The incarceration rates disproportionately impact men of color: 1 in every 15 African American men and 1 in every 36 Hispanic men are incarcerated in comparison to 1 in every 106 white men."

    I suppose that one could say that "it is through racial discrimination that African American and Hispanic's are targeted more by the judicial system than whites" .

    I don't know the answer to this problem and it is blatantly obvious that the government dosn't know either!!!!

  7. it is refreshing to see the hand wringing...

    of dolts, dingbats and nitwits.. .


    300 million NONJEWS have been mass murdered by "JEWISH" economic TERRORISTS for FILTHY LUCRE in just the last 100 years...

    and the STOOOPID for this...

    curiously, the currency printers and MEDIA owners operate a multicultural moshpit stool scupture deity cult compound for "JEW" worshippers...only

    ignoring the TRUTH.....No MATTER WHAT....

    how refreshing

  8. Speaking the truth will bring you more condemnation & outrage than telling a lie.
    This judge confirms that.

  9. Speaking the truth will bring you more condemnation & outrage than telling a lie. This judge confirms that. <-- Yep. But to their defense, group thinking lower-IQ humans are the majority. In their culture, 'what makes you feel good socially and politically is therefore scientifically true'. In all issues of sex, race, sexuality, anything politically charged, what they emotionally NEED to be true, is ALWAYS 'science fact'. How many people lynched ever 'were guilty'? None of course; that is the emotionally fulfilling answer needed for their 'truth'.

  10. The Second Civil War is already here. Everyone should speak louder to make it clear what side their are on. The time for carpetbagger northern liberal Zionists to demand everyone think as ordered has already ended. Opening their mouths at this point only offers a better target.

  11. Biology is real. Black birds cannot create an Eagle's nest nor can Black or Brown men create and Aryan or Asian civilization. Truth hurts

  12. Zionist declared War on the JewSA in the late 1960's and the first casualty in war is always the truth. Brown races are inferior to the White race and are mortal enemies of the White race. Saying that is NOT racist it's reality. Brown races dominate crime and have been enabled by their Jewish masters in order to subjugate the White race. Look at America when it was White. It was proud, productive, thriving. NOW look at it now that it's Jew, Queer, Negroid, Mexcrement..... It's a dying wasteland. Negroids and Mexcrement are symptoms - the Jew is the disease.

    1. how completely and utterly RACIST and disgustingly true...

      so does this mean Jesus was not a "Jewish"...?

      what kind of multicultural moshpit "melting pot" insanity produces a stool sculpture deity cult compound for members of the stupid idiot cult....anyway..?

      Moneychangers in Europe declared war on "America" long before 1860

      see : History of Jews in the United States by Lee Leavinger....

      & The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins

    2. No Jesus was not Jewish. 'Jews' are coverts through history with ZERO Hebrew ancestry. They come from a people called the Khazars, which is not a secret in the least way, just not talked about. In the Jewish culture, their unique culture, they are a people of myth. Their TORAH SAGA begins with the JEWISH CREATION MYTH aka Creationism which is not Christian in the least way, through the Holocaust myths, to all their other modern myths. They are a mythical fantasy people. Jesus was a Palestinian. Jesus was brown. Did Jews kill Jesus? No. Hebrews killed Jesus. Jews would not CONVERT from worship of Penis Idols in Asia for another 1,000 years after Jesus died. And yes, I am aware you think your TORAH MYTHS = Science. All your Jewish stories are as TRUE AS CREATIONISM.

    3. Quite simply: how does Israeli racism even work? Well, brown people who are ACTUALLY SEMITES get racist attacked by the WHITE ISRAELIS who are not Semitic. It is not a racism where you have to check names and IDs. The WHITE CAUCASIAN CONVERT ISRAELIS murder and Nazi slaughter the BROWN SEMITE PALESTINIANS. Sadly, this is quite useful in one way. It is hard not to notice that AFTER the entirely fake rants against racism, the speaker will go back to MURDERING SEMITE PALESTINIANS for their WHITE POWER ISRAELI masters. Anti-racists hate White Power Race Nationalism (when anyone not Israeli does it)

  13. Anti-racist is a code word for Anti-white.

    And diversity is a code word for race-replacement of Whites.

  14. Truth hurts the guilty
